The Rise of Bob McDoogal is science fiction at heart, but also filled with romance, suspense, dark humor, and much more. It is a fast paced action novella guaranteed to be a "guilty pleasure" read. Be prepared to laugh, cry, and find yourself thinking "damn, did he really say that?"
Kj's Review
book was way more than a science fiction, it was many genres in one,
which for me made it very interesting. I loved Bob and Lusha, their
alien ways, their travels, and their love. J.M. Gutierrez has created
a wonderful ride of a book, which takes you from the highs to the
lows and everywhere in between in the space of 155 pages. I also
loved, which is something alien to me, the absolute drop off,
cliffhanger ending. I have to say this book left me hungry for more,
I will definitely be on the lookout for more by Mr. Gutierrez.
Fuck, six o’clock already? So… Tired. Another day of school. Last year, thank God. I begin to stretch and get up from the damn twin mattress which is supposed to pass for a proper bed. So much pain. Like every other morning though, nothing new. I’m six-two; this bed is too small. Between that and the Cerebral Palsy, it takes a few minutes for the cockroaches crawling around inside my feet and the pains shooting up my legs to dwindle to a tolerable ache.
Looks like Grandma Anne isn’t up yet. Hopefully she never wakes up. The clothes on the line outside should be dry. Time to stand, ARGH! I Ping-Pong off the walls down the hall and open the nicotine-stained door as quietly as possible. I don’t wanna wake Grams; she can be such a bitch first thing in the morning.
Despite the pain, I struggle through my morning routine, shower, do what lonely eighteen-year-old boys do best, and tend to my rodents. Well, seventeen going on eighteen in a month, anyway.
I keep nine, ten-gallon aquariums with rats and hamsters for breeding. As a way to make money, I sell their young to local pet shops. It sucks to eat the dumpster food my Grandma gets from her church friends, so I use my money on take-out food almost every night. She uses all the foster care money she gets for me, and all her disability money to get high and escape the harsh reality that her life isn’t, and never will be, going anywhere. All she does is lay in bed all day, wasting taxpayers’ dollars. She sets such a good example! Shit…
I load my backpack with everything I need and slam the door as I leave. That oughta wake her ass up. I limp to the front of the rinky-dink apartment complex to wait for the bus.
About The Author:
Juan Gutierrez is a 27 year old living in Dallas, Texas. He grew up in Torrance, California. He is a Fantasy/Science Fiction writer. Inspired both Star Wars and Star Trek, he is determined to make a Galaxy Cluster all of his own. In 2012, he began his work on the character Bob McDoogal. Think The Mask with Jim Carrey (another major influence), mixed with Star Wars. That is the best way to describe his Dark humor Science Fiction Fantasy writing. He is currently working on book two of the series, aiming to have it done by the close of 2013.
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