Title: When Silver Moons Rise (The Lost
Immortals 2)
Author: KaSonndra Leigh
ebook release: January 20, 2013
Paperback Release: April 21, 2013
Genre: Young Adult
Blitz Host: Lady
Amber's Tours
Book Description:
Facing an unstable future, Chela Prizeon leaves Castle Hayne and crosses over to enemy territory in pursuit of Faris--the boy of royal blood who is cursed by a bitter rival. But soon Chela learns that he has been taken deep into the treacherous frozen prisons--a majestic, but deadly place where people enter and are never seen again. To find the boy she loves, Chela must join forces with one of her greatest enemies. And even though she pulls strength from the good in her powers, she finds herself drawn to the dark side's temptation as well.
Narrated from both Chela's and Faris's point of view, this enchanting sequel to When Copper Suns Fall will take them on a voyage into unknown lands, where the dark, twisted, and revengeful wait to make this their most dangerous journey ever.
Please Note: This book contains mature content including profanity, drug/alcohol use, and sexual situations/language.
I live in the City of Alchemy and Medicine, North Carolina. I write about people doing fantastical things in magical worlds. Sometimes they fall for each other and make sacrifices for their friends. Oh, and sometimes they love music and nature too. I live with my two sons,a guinea pig, a cat, and two dogs. Now that I have completed my MFA in creative writing, I find that I have a little extra time to play CLUE more often. I live in an L-shaped house dedicated to my grandmother. It has a secret library complete with fairies, venetian plastered walls, and a desk made out of clear blue glass.
The Lost Immortals: When Copper Suns Fall is my debut novel.
~~Kj's Review~~
Chela goes looking for her love Faris, along the way encounters Seth, and with little choice ends up traveling with him. Turns out to do what they want, they all need to be together, and that includes Asa who hasn’t been found yet. Dark and light play a delicate balance in everything Chela does, confusing her to a degree as to what is happening to her. Will she be able to help fix the curse Faris’s family lives under or will the worst happen?
For the second time this week a series has blown my mind; my favorites list has just grown again. I would highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys fantasy, this story is EPIC!! The author creates a world you will never want to leave, it’s a very well written series that pulls you in and makes you a part of all that is happening. Before I gush all over, serious fangirl moment here, I want to thank KaSonndra Leigh for giving me these books to read and review….I may never be the same. I give both books 5 stars.
Meet the Author
The Lost Immortals: When Copper Suns Fall is my debut novel.
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